
good, excellent, fine; well

HSK 1 #82


好 hǎo
  • good
  • well
  • proper
  • good to
  • easy to
  • very
  • so
  • (suffix indicating completion or readiness)
  • (of two people) close
  • on intimate terms
  • (after a personal pronoun) hello
好 hào
  • to be fond of
  • to have a tendency to
  • to be prone to


好 stroke order diagram
好 stroke order animation


tǐng hǎo very good
guà hǎo to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes etc)
guà hǎo to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes etc)
搞不 gǎo bu hǎo (coll.) maybe; perhaps
早上 zǎo shang hǎo Good morning!
明枪躲,暗箭难防 míng qiāng hǎo duǒ , àn jiàn nán fáng lit. easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies
明槍躲,暗箭難防 míng qiāng hǎo duǒ , àn jiàn nán fáng lit. easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark (idiom); it is hard to guard against secret conspiracies
时坏 shí hǎo shí huài sometimes good, sometimes bad
時壞 shí hǎo shí huài sometimes good, sometimes bad
晚上 wǎn shàng hǎo Good evening!
奇心 yǒu hào qí xīn curious
业余爱者 yè yú ài hào zhě hobbyist; amateur
業餘愛者 yè yú ài hào zhě hobbyist; amateur
jí hǎo fabulous; superb; excellent
jí hǎo fabulous; superb; excellent
樂善施 lè shàn hào shī kind and charitable
心切 qiú hǎo xīn qiè to demand the highest standards of sb (or oneself) (idiom); to strive to achieve the best possible results; to be a perfectionist
zhì hǎo to cure
准备了 zhǔn bèi hǎo le to be ready
準備了 zhǔn bèi hǎo le to be ready
潔身自 jié shēn zì hào clean-living and honest (idiom); to avoid immorality; to shun evil influence; to mind one's own business and keep out of trouble; to keep one's hands clean
人 làn hǎo rén sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone
人 làn hǎo rén sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone
人 làn hǎo rén sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone
人 làn hǎo rén sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone