
crafty, villainous, false



奸 jiān
  • wicked
  • crafty
  • traitor
  • variant of 姦|奸[jian1]
  • to fornicate
  • to defile
  • adultery
  • rape


奸 stroke order diagram
奸 stroke order animation


姑息養 gū xī yǎng jiān to tolerate is to nurture an evildoer (idiom); spare the rod and spoil the child
夫淫妇 jiān fū yín fù adulterous couple
宿 jiān sù to fornicate; to rape
尸 jiān shī necrophilia
雄 jiān xióng person who seeks advancement by any means; career climber; unscrupulous careerist
zhuā jiān to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)
朋比为 péng bǐ wéi jiān to conspire; to gang up
朋比為 péng bǐ wéi jiān to conspire; to gang up
hàn jiān traitor (to China)
无事献殷勤,非即盗 wú shì xiàn yīn qín , fēi jiān jí dào one who is unaccountably solicitous is hiding evil intentions (idiom)
不商 wú jiān bù shāng all businessmen are evil (idiom)
不商 wú jiān bù shāng all businessmen are evil (idiom)
狼狽為 láng bèi wéi jiān villains collude together (idiom); to work hand in glove with sb (to nefarious ends)
shòu jiān bestiality
巨滑 lǎo jiān jù huá variant of 老奸巨猾[lao3 jian1 ju4 hua2]
巨猾 lǎo jiān jù huá cunning; crafty; wily old fox
cáng jiān to harbor evil intentions
mí jiān to drug and then rape sb
bī jiān to rape
chú jiān to weed out the traitors
集体强 jí tǐ qiáng jiān gang rape
jī jiān sodomy; anal intercourse; buggery