
adultery, debauchery; debauch


  • adultery, debauchery
  • debauch
  • wicked
  • crafty
  • traitor
  • variant of 姦|奸[jian1]
  • to fornicate
  • to defile
  • adultery
  • rape


jī jiān variant of 雞奸|鸡奸[ji1 jian1]
犯科 zuò jiān fàn kē to flout the law
似忠 dà jiān sì zhōng the most treacherous person appears the most guileless (idiom)
夫淫婦 jiān fū yín fù adulterous couple
宿 jiān sù to fornicate; to rape
屍 jiān shī necrophilia
情 jiān qíng adultery
殺 jiān shā to rape and murder
污 jiān wū to rape; to violate
淫 jiān yín fornication; adultery; rape; seduction
雄 jiān xióng person who seeks advancement by any means; career climber; unscrupulous careerist
qiáng jiān to rape
犯 qiáng jiān fàn rapist
罪 qiáng jiān zuì rape
zhuā jiān to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)
zhuō jiān to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)
無事獻殷勤,非即盜 wú shì xiàn yīn qín , fēi jiān jí dào one who is unaccountably solicitous is hiding evil intentions (idiom)
shòu jiān bestiality
yòu jiān to seduce (into sex)
lún jiān to gang rape
mí jiān to drug and then rape sb
tōng jiān adultery; to commit adultery
bī jiān to rape
集體強 jí tǐ qiáng jiān gang rape
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