
crafty, villainous, false



奸 jiān
  • wicked
  • crafty
  • traitor
  • variant of 姦|奸[jian1]
  • to fornicate
  • to defile
  • adultery
  • rape


奸 stroke order diagram
奸 stroke order animation


qiáng jiān to rape
犯 qiáng jiān fàn rapist
tōng jiān adultery; to commit adultery
nèi jiān undiscovered traitor; enemy within one's own ranks
jī jiān sodomy; anal intercourse; buggery
情 jiān qíng adultery
杀 jiān shā to rape and murder
zhuō jiān to catch a couple in the act (adultery, illicit sexual relations)
细 jiān xi a spy; a crafty person
罪 qiáng jiān zuì rape
诈 jiān zhà treachery; devious; a rogue
lún jiān to gang rape
夫 jiān fū male adulterer
笑 jiān xiào evil smile; sinister smile
狼狈为 láng bèi wéi jiān villains collude together (idiom); to work hand in glove with sb (to nefarious ends)
商 jiān shāng unscrupulous businessman; profiteer; shark; dishonest business
淫 jiān yín fornication; adultery; rape; seduction
yòu jiān to seduce (into sex)
人 jiān rén crafty scoundrel; villain
计 jiān jì evil plan; evil schemes
犯科 zuò jiān fàn kē to flout the law
姑息养 gū xī yǎng jiān to tolerate is to nurture an evildoer (idiom); spare the rod and spoil the child
污 jiān wū to rape; to violate
臣 jiān chén a treacherous court official; a minister who conspires against the state
险 jiān xiǎn malicious; treacherous; wicked and crafty
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