
crafty, villainous, false



奸 jiān
  • wicked
  • crafty
  • traitor
  • variant of 姦|奸[jian1]
  • to fornicate
  • to defile
  • adultery
  • rape


奸 stroke order diagram
奸 stroke order animation


贼 jiān zéi a traitor; a treacherous bandit
hàn jiān traitor (to China)
chú jiān to weed out the traitors
jī jiān variant of 雞奸|鸡奸[ji1 jian1]
nèi jiān undiscovered traitor; enemy within one's own ranks
似忠 dà jiān sì zhōng the most treacherous person appears the most guileless (idiom)
佞 jiān nìng crafty and fawning
宄 jiān guǐ evildoer; malefactor
官 jiān guān a treacherous official; a mandarin who conspires against the state
官污吏 jiān guān wū lì traitor minister and corrupt official (idiom); abuse and corruption
徒 jiān tú a crafty villain
恶 jiān è crafty and evil
惡 jiān è crafty and evil
民 jiān mín a scoundrel; a villain
滑 jiān huá variant of 奸猾[jian1 hua2]
狡 jiān jiǎo devious; cunning
猾 jiān huá treacherous; crafty; deceitful
細 jiān xi a spy; a crafty person
計 jiān jì evil plan; evil schemes
詐 jiān zhà treachery; devious; a rogue
賊 jiān zéi a traitor; a treacherous bandit
邪 jiān xié crafty and evil; a treacherous villain
險 jiān xiǎn malicious; treacherous; wicked and crafty
党 jiān dǎng a clique of traitors
黨 jiān dǎng a clique of traitors