
dream; visionary; wishful


夢 mèng
  • dream
  • CL:場|场[chang2],個|个[ge4]
  • (bound form) to dream


jiù mèng old dreams
蘭 shū mèng lán Shu Menglan (1759-1835), Qin dynasty writer, poet and editor of Anthology of ci poems tunes 白香詞譜|白香词谱
莊周蝶 zhuāng zhōu mèng dié Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子 dreams of a butterfly (or is it the butterfly dreaming of Zhuangzi?)
西樓 xī lóu mèng Qing dynasty novel the Western Chamber by Yuan Yuling 袁于令; same as 西樓記|西楼记
xiáng mèng to analyze dreams (for fortune-telling)
mí mèng pipedream; unrealizable plan
準 zhèng mèng zhǔn Chung Mongjoon (1951-), Korean magnate and the founder of Hyundai 現代
hān mèng sweet dream; sleeping soundly
醉生死 zuì shēng mèng sǐ as if drunk or entranced (idiom); leading a befuddled existence; in a drunken stupor
重溫舊 chóng wēn jiù mèng to revive old dreams (idiom); to relive past experiences
yún mèng Yunmeng county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei
縣 yún mèng xiàn Yunmeng county in Xiaogan 孝感[Xiao4 gan3], Hubei
龍 féng mèng lóng Feng Menglong (1574-1646), late Ming dynasty novelist writing in colloquial (baihua), author of Stories Old and New 古今小說|古今小说[Gu3 jin1 Xiao3 shuo1]
jīng mèng to awaken from a dream
魂牽縈 hún qiān mèng yíng to miss; to yearn day and night
魂牽繞 hún qiān mèng rào to be captivated; to wonder; enchanting
黃粱一 huáng liáng yī mèng see 黃粱夢|黄粱梦[huang2 liang2 meng4]
黃粱 huáng liáng mèng dream of golden millet; fig. illusions of wealth and glory; pipe dream
黃粱美 huáng liáng měi mèng dream of golden millet; fig. illusions of wealth and power; pipe dream