
dream; visionary; wishful


夢 mèng
  • dream
  • CL:場|场[chang2],個|个[ge4]
  • (bound form) to dream


人生如 rén shēng rú mèng life is but a dream (idiom)
仲夏夜之 zhòng xià yè zhī mèng Midsummer night's dream, comedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚[Sha1 shi4 bi3 ya4]
zuò mèng to dream; to have a dream; fig. illusion; fantasy; pipe dream
半醒 bàn mèng bàn xǐng half-awake; half-asleep
南柯一 nán kē yī mèng lit. a dream of Nanke; fig. dreams of grandeur
同一個世界,同一個想 tóng yī gè shì jiè , tóng yī gè mèng xiǎng One world - one dream, motto of 2008 Beijing Olympic games
同床異 tóng chuáng yì mèng lit. to share the same bed with different dreams (idiom); ostensible partners with different agendas; strange bedfellows; marital dissension
哆啦A duō lā a mèng Doraemon, Japanese manga and anime series character
è mèng nightmare
yuán mèng to fulfill one's dream; (divination) to predict the future by interpreting a dream; oneiromancy
中 mèng zhōng in a dream
到 mèng dào to dream of; to dream about
囈 mèng yì talking in one's sleep; delirious ravings; nonsense; sheer fantasy
境 mèng jìng dreamland
寐 mèng mèi to dream; to sleep
寐以求 mèng mèi yǐ qiú to yearn for sth even in one's dreams (idiom); to long for sth day and night
幻 mèng huàn dream; illusion; reverie
幻泡影 mèng huàn pào yǐng illusion (Buddhism); pipe dream
想 mèng xiǎng (fig.) to dream of; dream
想家 mèng xiǎng jiā dreamer; visionary
景 mèng jǐng dreamscape
溪筆談 mèng xī bǐ tán Dream Pool Essays by Shen Kuo 沈括[Shen3 Kuo4], book on various fields of knowledge, the first to describe the magnetic needle compass
羅園 mèng luó yuán Menlo Park, New Jersey, the home of Thomas Edison's research laboratory
行症 mèng xíng zhèng somnambulism; sleepwalking
見 mèng jiàn to dream about (sth or sb); to see in a dream
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