
report, tell, announce


報 bào
  • to announce
  • to inform
  • report
  • newspaper
  • recompense
  • revenge
  • CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]


huí bào (in) return; reciprocation; payback; retaliation; to report back; to reciprocate
因果應 yīn guǒ bào yìng (Buddhism) retribution; karma
國際先驅論壇 guó jì xiān qū lùn tán bào International Herald Tribune
國際電電話咨詢委員會 guó jì diàn bào diàn huà zī xún wěi yuán huì International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)
圖片 tú piàn bào Bild-Zeitung
上 bào shàng in the newspaper
亭 bào tíng kiosk; newsstand
人 bào rén newsman; journalist (archaic)
仇 bào chóu to take revenge; to avenge
仇雪恥 bào chóu xuě chǐ to take revenge and erase humiliation (idiom)
仇雪恨 bào chóu xuě hèn to take revenge and wipe out a grudge (idiom)
以 bào yǐ to give in return
信 bào xìn to notify; to inform
價 bào jià to quote a price; quoted price; quote
價單 bào jià dān quotation; price list; written estimate of price
償 bào cháng repay; recompense
分 bào fēn call the score
刊 bào kān newspapers and periodicals; the press
刊攤 bào kān tān newsstand
到 bào dào to report for duty; to check in; to register
功 bào gōng to report a heroic deed; to mention sb in dispatches
務員 bào wù yuán telegraph operator; radio operator
名 bào míng to sign up; to enter one's name; to apply; to register; to enroll; to enlist
名表 bào míng biǎo application form; registration form; CL:張|张[zhang1]
名費 bào míng fèi registration fee