
report, tell, announce


報 bào
  • to announce
  • to inform
  • report
  • newspaper
  • recompense
  • revenge
  • CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]


冤冤相何時了 yuān yuān xiāng bào hé shí liǎo if revenge breeds revenge, will there ever be an end to it? (Buddhist saying)
jiǎn bào newspaper cutting; clippings
勞動 láo dòng bào Trud (Russian newspaper)
北京周 běi jīng zhōu bào Beijing Review; also written 北京週報|北京周报
北京日 běi jīng rì bào Beijing Daily (newspaper), www.bjd.com.cn
北京晚 běi jīng wǎn bào Beijing Evening News
北京晨 běi jīng chén bào Beijing Morning Post, www.morningpost.com.cn
北京週 běi jīng zhōu bào Beijing Review; also written 北京週報|北京周报
北京青年 běi jīng qīng nián bào Beijing Youth Daily, bjyouth.ynet.com
huì bào to report; to give an account of; to collect information and report back; report
nì bào to withhold information
南洋商 nán yáng shāng bào Nanyang Siang Pau (Malay's oldest newspaper)
南華早 nán huá zǎo bào South China Morning Post (newspaper in Hong Kong)
印度時 yìn dù shí bào India Times
hòu bào generous reward
原子科學家通 yuán zǐ kē xué jiā tōng bào Journal of Atomic Scientists
君子仇,十年不晚 jūn zi bào chóu , shí nián bù wǎn lit. for a nobleman to take revenge, ten years is not too long (idiom); fig. revenge is a dish best served cold
chéng bào to (submit a) report
zhōu bào weekly publication
shāng bào business newspaper
善有善 shàn yǒu shàn bào virtue has its rewards (idiom); one good turn deserves another
善有善,惡有惡 shàn yǒu shàn bào , è yǒu è bào virtue has its reward, evil its retribution
善有善,惡有惡,若然不時晨未到 shàn yǒu shàn bào , è yǒu è bào , ruò rán bù bào shí chén wèi dào Good has its reward and evil has its recompense. The payback is just a matter of time
xǐ bào announcement of joyful news; CL:張|张[zhang1]
四川日 sì chuān rì bào Sichuan Daily