
mourning; mourn; funeral


喪 sàng
  • to lose sth abstract but important (courage, authority, one's life etc)
  • to be bereaved of (one's spouse etc)
  • to die
  • disappointed
  • discouraged
喪 sāng
  • mourning
  • funeral
  • (old) corpse


xiōng sāng funeral arrangements
chū sāng to hold a funeral procession
kū sāng to wail at a funeral; formal wailing while offering sacrifice to the departed
棒 kū sāng bàng mourning staff draped in white, held at a funeral to show filial piety
臉 kū sang liǎn to pull a long face; sullen; also written 哭喪著臉|哭丧着脸
著臉 kū sang zhe liǎn sullen; to scowl miserably
亂 sāng luàn tragic disaster; disturbance and bloodshed
事 sāng shì funeral arrangements
亡 sàng wáng to die
假 sāng jià funeral leave
偶 sàng ǒu bereaved of one's spouse (literary)
儀 sāng yí funeral ceremony
命 sàng mìng to lose one's life
天害理 sàng tiān hài lǐ devoid of conscience (idiom)
失 sàng shī to lose; to forfeit
失殆盡 sàng shī dài jìn to be used up; to be exhausted
妻 sàng qī deceased wife
家之犬 sàng jiā zhī quǎn stray dog (idiom)
家之狗 sàng jiā zhī gǒu see 喪家之犬|丧家之犬[sang4 jia1 zhi1 quan3]
屍 sāng shī zombie
德 sàng dé wicked; offending morality
心病狂 sàng xīn bìng kuáng deranged; demented; berserk (idiom)
志 sàng zhì to become demoralized; to lose one's sense of purpose
服 sāng fú mourning garment
梆 sàng bāng cold and offensive (talk or manner)
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