go away, leave, depart

HSK 1 #64


去 qù
  • to go
  • to go to (a place)
  • (of a time etc) last
  • just passed
  • to send
  • to remove
  • to get rid of
  • to reduce
  • to be apart from in space or time
  • to die (euphemism)
  • to play (a part)
  • (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth
  • (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)
  • (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)


去 stroke order diagram
去 stroke order animation


舊的不,新的不來 jiù de bù qù , xīn de bù lái lit. If the old doesn't go, the new will not come.; You can't make progress by clinging to old notions.
tuì qù to take off (one's clothes); (fig.) to shed (one's former image etc); (of a fad or the after-effects of a disaster etc) to subside; also pr. [tun4 qu4]
說不過 shuō bu guò qù cannot be justified; inexcusable
说得过 shuō de guò qù acceptable; passable; justifiable; (of a course of action) to make sense
說得過 shuō de guò qù acceptable; passable; justifiable; (of a course of action) to make sense
zǒu qù to walk over (to)
走自己的路,让人家说 zǒu zì jǐ de lù , ràng rén jiā qù shuō Go your own way, let others say what they like. (popular modern cliche); Do it my way.
走自己的路,讓人家說 zǒu zì jǐ de lù , ràng rén jiā qù shuō Go your own way, let others say what they like. (popular modern cliche); Do it my way.
跑来跑 pǎo lái pǎo qù to scamper; to run around
跑來跑 pǎo lái pǎo qù to scamper; to run around
轉來轉 zhuàn lái zhuàn qù to rove around; to run around in circles; to walk back and forth
zhuàn qù to return; to go back
zhuàn qù to return; to go back
cí qù to resign; to quit
sòng qù to send to; to deliver to; to give sb a lift (e.g. in a car)
jìn qù to go in
過不 guò bu qù to make life difficult for; to embarrass; unable to make it through
guò qù (in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to pass by
guò qu (verb suffix)
分词 guò qu fēn cí past participle (in European grammar)
分詞 guò qu fēn cí past participle (in European grammar)
式 guò qu shì past tense
式 guò qu shì past tense
時 guò qù shí past tense (grammar)
经验 guò qu jīng yàn past experience