
separate, other; do not


別 bié
  • surname Bie
  • to leave
  • to depart
  • to separate
  • to distinguish
  • to classify
  • other
  • another
  • don't ...!
  • to pin
  • to stick (sth) in


別 stroke order diagram


liú bié a departing gift; a souvenir on leaving; a poem to mark one's departure
移情戀 yí qíng bié liàn change of affection, shift of love (idiom); to change one's feelings to another love; to fall in love with sb else
jí bié (military) rank; level; grade
耶洗 yē xǐ bié Jezebel, wife of Ahab and mother of Ahaziah, major character in 1 Kings 16:31, 19:1, 21 and 2 Kings 9, killed by Jehu 耶戶|耶户[Ye1 hu4]
聯體墅 lián tǐ bié shù townhouse
股東特大會 gǔ dōng tè bié dà huì special shareholders' meeting
lín bié on parting; facing separation
贈言 lín bié zèng yán words of advice on parting
與世永 yǔ shì yǒng bié to die
jué bié to bid farewell; to part (usually with little hope of meeting again)
評審團特獎 píng shěn tuán tè bié jiǎng Special Jury Prize
huà bié to say good-bye; to bid sb farewell
語音識 yǔ yīn shí bié speech recognition
見怪 qǐng bié jiàn guài please don't be upset; no hard feelings; absit iniuria verbis; let injury by words be absent
shí bié to distinguish; to discern
碼 shí bié mǎ identifier
號 shí bié hào identifier
跨性 kuà xìng bié transgender
身份識卡 shēn fèn shí bié kǎ identification card; ID card
biàn bié to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate
力 biàn bié lì discrimination; power of discrimination
cí bié to take leave
biàn bié to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate; also written 辨別|辨别
sòng bié farewell
dào bié leave-taking; to say goodbye