HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 222nd character |
RADICAL | ⼑ (18.5) |
INDEX # | 751 |
separate, other; do not
别 bié |
别 biè |

别人 bié ren | other people; others; other person |
特别 tè bié | especially; special; particular; unusual |
区别 qū bié | difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction; CL:個|个[ge4] |
性别 xìng bié | gender; sex |
告别 gào bié | to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to |
分别 fēn bié | to part or leave each other; to distinguish; difference; in different ways; differently; separately or individually |
个别 gè bié | individual; specific; respective; just one or two |
级别 jí bié | (military) rank; level; grade |
别墅 bié shù | villa; CL:幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4] |
识别 shí bié | to distinguish; to discern |
差别 chā bié | difference; distinction; disparity |
别扭 biè niu | awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche |
鉴别 jiàn bié | to differentiate; to distinguish |
别致 bié zhì | unusual; unique; variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4] |
派别 pài bié | denomination; group; school; faction; school of thought |
别的 bié de | else; other |
别无选择 bié wú xuǎn zé | to have no other choice |
道别 dào bié | leave-taking; to say goodbye |
别处 bié chù | elsewhere |
永别 yǒng bié | to part forever; eternal parting (i.e. death) |
别针 bié zhēn | pin; safety pin; clip; brooch; CL:枚[mei2] |
辨别 biàn bié | to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate |
离别 lí bié | to leave (on a long journey); to part from sb |
别名 bié míng | alias; alternative name |
不辞而别 bù cí ér bié | to leave without saying good-bye |