
separate, other; do not


別 bié
  • surname Bie
  • to leave
  • to depart
  • to separate
  • to distinguish
  • to classify
  • other
  • another
  • don't ...!
  • to pin
  • to stick (sth) in


別 stroke order diagram


不加區 bù jiā qū bié indiscriminate
不辭而 bù cí ér bié to leave without saying good-bye
中央人民政府駐香港特行政區聯絡辦公室 zhōng yāng rén mín zhèng fǔ zhù xiāng gǎng tè bié xíng zhèng qū lián luò bàn gōng shì Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
jiǔ bié a long period of separation
重逢 jiǔ bié chóng féng to meet again after a long period of separation
苗頭 hù bié miáo tou to compete with (idiom) (Tw); to pit oneself against
人種差 rén zhǒng chā bié racial differences; racial discrimination
zuò bié to take one's leave; to bid farewell
gè bié individual; specific; respective; just one or two
shāng bié sorrowful farewell; sad goodbye
光學字符識 guāng xué zì fú shí bié optical character recognition, OCR
fēn bié to part or leave each other; to distinguish; difference; in different ways; differently; separately or individually
分門類 fēn mén bié lèi to organize by categories; to classify
傑夫 liè biè jié fū Lebedev or Lebedyev (Russian name)
pàn bié to differentiate; to discriminate
式 pàn bié shì discriminant (e.g. b^2-4ac in the formula for the roots of a quadratic equation)
人 bié ren other people; others; other person
來無恙 bié lái wú yàng (literary) I trust you have been well since we last met
傳 bié zhuàn supplementary biography
克 bié kè Buick
具 bié jù see 獨具|独具[du2 ju4]
具一格 bié jù yī gé having a unique or distinctive style
具隻眼 bié jù zhī yǎn see 獨具隻眼|独具只眼[du2 ju4 zhi1 yan3]
出心裁 bié chū xīn cái to hit on sth new (idiom); to display originality; to adopt an original approach
動隊 bié dòng duì special detachment; commando; an armed secret agent squad
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