
separate, other; do not


別 bié
  • surname Bie
  • to leave
  • to depart
  • to separate
  • to distinguish
  • to classify
  • other
  • another
  • don't ...!
  • to pin
  • to stick (sth) in


別 stroke order diagram


天淵之 tiān yuān zhī bié a complete contrast; totally different
射頻識 shè pín shí bié radio-frequency identification (RFID)
勝新婚 xiǎo bié shèng xīn hūn reunion after an absence is sweeter than being newlyweds (idiom); absence makes the heart grow fonder
chā bié difference; distinction; disparity
塔 bā bié tǎ Tower of Babel, in Genesis 11:5-foll.
bì bié specific currency
yǐn bié to leave; to say goodbye
xìng bié gender; sex
歧視 xìng bié qí shì sex discrimination; sexism
比 xìng bié bǐ sex ratio
角色 xìng bié jué sè gender role
認同障礙 xìng bié rèn tóng zhàng ài gender identity disorder (GID); gender dysphoria
xī bié reluctant to part
離苦 ài bié lí kǔ (Buddhism) the pain of parting with what (or whom) one loves, one of the eight distresses 八苦[ba1 ku3]
手寫識 shǒu xiě shí bié handwriting recognition
bài bié to take leave
wò bié to shake hands
針 qū bié zhēn paper clip
yǒu bié different; distinct; unequal; variable
杜尚 dù shàng bié Dushanbe, capital of Tajikistan
武器級材料 wǔ qì jí bié cái liào weapons-grade material
sǐ bié to be parted by death
yǒng bié to part forever; eternal parting (i.e. death)
沒有差 méi yǒu chā bié there is no difference; it makes no difference
pài bié denomination; group; school; faction; school of thought