
separate, other; do not


別 bié
  • surname Bie
  • to leave
  • to depart
  • to separate
  • to distinguish
  • to classify
  • other
  • another
  • don't ...!
  • to pin
  • to stick (sth) in


別 stroke order diagram


管 bié guǎn no matter (who, what etc)
緒 bié xù emotions at time of parting
緻 bié zhì unusual; unique; variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4]
臉 bié liǎn to turn one's face away
致 bié zhì unusual; unique; variant of 別緻|别致[bie2 zhi4]
莊 bié zhuāng villa
著急 bié zháo jí Don't worry!
處 bié chù elsewhere
號 bié hào alias
論 bié lùn a different matter; another story; (old) objection
赫捷列夫 bié hè jié liè fū Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev (1857-1927), Russian neurologist and psychiatrist
針 bié zhēn pin; safety pin; clip; brooch; CL:枚[mei2]
開生面 bié kāi shēng miàn to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path; to break fresh ground
離 bié lí to take leave of; to leave; separation
qū bié difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction; CL:個|个[ge4]
千差萬 qiān chā wàn bié manifold diversity
林 zhuó bié lín Charlie Chaplin (1899-1977), English movie actor and director
另當論 lìng dāng bié lùn to treat differently; another cup of tea
gè bié distinct; characteristic; in different ways; different
wěn bié to kiss goodbye
gào bié to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to
式 gào bié shì parting ceremony; funeral
山 dà bié shān Dabie mountain range on the borders of Henan, Anhui and Hubei provinces
天壤之 tiān rǎng zhī bié lit. as different as sky and earth (idiom); fig. night and day difference; opposite extremes; a world of difference; a far cry from
天差地 tiān chā dì bié poles apart (idiom); as different as can be