
raise, rear, bring up; support

HSK 4 #760


  • raise, rear, bring up
  • support
  • to raise (animals)
  • to bring up (children)
  • to keep (pets)
  • to support
  • to give birth


养 stroke order diagram
养 stroke order animation


媳妇 tóng yǎng xí fù child bride; girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law
细胞培 xì bāo péi yǎng cell culture
细胞培器 xì bāo péi yǎng qì cell cultivator
生物 zì yǎng shēng wù (biology) autotroph
xù yǎng to raise (animals)
厚葬 bó yǎng hòu zàng to neglect one's parents but give them a rich funeral; hypocrisy in arranging a lavish funeral after treating one's parents meanly
bǔ yǎng to take a tonic or nourishing food to build up one's health
rèn yǎng to sponsor; to adopt (pledge to give sb or sth one's special attention or support); to adopt (choose to raise a child or animal as one's own)
sòng yǎng to place out for adoption
遵时晦 zūn shí yǎng huì to bide one's time, waiting for an opportunity to stage a comeback in public life (idiom)
野外放 yě wài fàng yǎng free-range (breeding livestock or poultry)
闭目神 bì mù yǎng shén to relax with one's eyes closed
颐性寿 yí xìng yǎng shòu to take care of one's spirit and keep fit (idiom)
天年 yí yǎng tiān nián lit. to nurture one's years (idiom); fig. to enjoy one's later years
饮食疗 yǐn shí liáo yǎng diet
场 sì yǎng chǎng farm; feed lot; dry lot
业 sì yǎng yè stock farming; animal husbandry
者 sì yǎng zhě feeder
儿防老 yǎng ér fáng lǎo (of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age
兵 yǎng bīng to train troops
兵千日,用兵一时 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng bīng yī shí lit. Train an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour. (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off
兵千日,用在一时 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng zài yī shí see 養兵千日,用兵一時|养兵千日,用兵一时[yang3 bing1 qian1 ri4 , yong4 bing1 yi1 shi2]
兵千日,用在一朝 yǎng bīng qiān rì , yòng zài yī zhāo lit. train an army for a thousand days to use it for one morning (idiom); fig. extensive preparation eventually pays off
地 yǎng dì to maintain the land (with rotation of crops or fertilizer)
家活口 yǎng jiā huó kǒu to support one's family (idiom)