
raise, rear, bring up; support

HSK 4 #760


  • raise, rear, bring up
  • support
  • to raise (animals)
  • to bring up (children)
  • to keep (pets)
  • to support
  • to give birth


养 stroke order diagram
养 stroke order animation


劳动教 láo dòng jiào yǎng reeducation through labor
bāo yǎng to provide for; to keep (a mistress)
薄葬 hòu yǎng bó zàng generous care but a thrifty funeral; to look after one's parents generously, but not waste money on a lavish funeral
bǔ yǎng feed; rear
fèng yǎng to look after (elderly parents); to serve; to support
ān yǎng to foster; to provide care (esp. for the elderly)
院 ān yǎng yuàn nursing home; hospice
jiā yǎng domestic (animals); home reared
鸥 péng yǎng ōu Peng Yangou, late Qing novelist, author of Black register of lost souls 黑籍冤魂
爱维 ài wéi yǎng Evian, mineral water company (Tw)
guàn yǎng to spoil; to indulge sb (usu. a child)
bào yǎng adopt (a child)
成人 fǔ yǎng chéng rén to bring up (a child)
权 fǔ yǎng quán custody (of a child etc)
sǎn yǎng free-range raising (of poultry, cattle etc)
母乳喂 mǔ rǔ wèi yǎng breastfeeding
水产殖 shuǐ chǎn yǎng zhí aquaculture
海水殖 hǎi shuǐ yǎng zhí aquaculture
层 zī yǎng céng trophoblastic layer (attaches fertilized ovum to the uterus); trophoderm
不良 yíng yǎng bù liáng malnutrition; undernourishment; deficiency disease; dystrophy
物质 yíng yǎng wù zhì nutrient
mù yǎng to raise (animals)
狗娘的 gǒu niáng yǎng de son of a bitch
所 liáo yǎng suǒ sanitorium; convalescent hospital
lù yǎng to support sb with official pay