
raise, rear, bring up; support

HSK 4 #760


  • raise, rear, bring up
  • support
  • to raise (animals)
  • to bring up (children)
  • to keep (pets)
  • to support
  • to give birth


养 stroke order diagram
养 stroke order animation


尊处优 yǎng zūn chǔ yōu to live like a prince (idiom)
料 yǎng liào nutriment; nourishment
护 yǎng hù to maintain; to conserve; curing (concrete etc)
fàng yǎng to breed (livestock, fish, crops etc); to grow; to raise
生息 xiū yǎng shēng xī to recover; to recuperate
液 péi yǎng yè culture fluid (in biological lab.)
素 yíng yǎng sù nutrient
tiáo yǎng to take care of (sb's health); to nurse
生 yǎng shēng to maintain good health; to raise a child or animal; curing (of concrete etc)
hán yǎng to conserve (e.g. water); self-restraint; self-possession
huàn yǎng to keep (an animal); to look after the needs of (a person or an animal); (fig.) to keep (a spy, lackey etc) in one's pay
yí yǎng to nourish; to nurture; to strengthen
姑息奸 gū xī yǎng jiān to tolerate is to nurture an evildoer (idiom); spare the rod and spoil the child
品 yíng yǎng pǐn nourishment; nutrient
生之道 yǎng shēng zhī dào the way of maintaining good health
基 péi yǎng jī culture medium
zì yǎng self-sustaining; economically independent (of state aid, foreign subsidy etc)
媳 tóng yǎng xí child bride; girl adopted into a family as future daughter-in-law
韬光晦 tāo guāng yǎng huì to conceal one's strengths and bide one's time (idiom); to hide one's light under a bushel
殖业 yǎng zhí yè cultivation industry
颜 yǎng yán to nourish one's skin; to maintain a youthful appearance
以债债 yǐ zhài yǎng zhài debt nurtures more debt (idiom)
以药医 yǐ yào yǎng yī "drugs serving to nourish doctors", perceived problem in PRC medical practice
修心性 xiū xīn yǎng xìng to cultivate the heart and nurture the character (idiom); to improve oneself by meditation
俭以廉 jiǎn yǐ yǎng lián frugality makes honesty (idiom)