
price, value


價 jià
  • price
  • value
  • (chemistry) valence
價 jie
  • great
  • good
  • middleman
  • servant


jì jià to valuate; valuation
器 jì jià qì fare meter; taximeter
tǎo jià huán jià to haggle over price; to bargain
píng jià to evaluate; to assess
分類 píng jià fēn lèi rank, classify
xún jià quotation request; price inquiry; price check
調 tiáo jià to raise or lower the price; price adjustment
tán jià to negotiate (prices); to haggle
huǎng jià inflated price; exorbitant price
jiǎng jià to bargain (over price); to haggle
yì jià to bargain; to negotiate a price
biàn jià to appraise at the current rate
財產值 cái chǎn jià zhí property value
貨真實 huò zhēn jià shí genuine goods at fair prices; (fig.) genuine; real; true
mǎi jià buying price
資產值 zī chǎn jià zhí value of assets
mài jià selling price
shú jià price paid to redeem an object; (religion) price paid to redeem sb; ransom
qǐ jià initial price (e.g. for the first kilometer); prices starting from
diē jià to fall in price
tiào jià price jump
跳樓 tiào lóu jià extremely low price; knockdown price
shēn jià social status; price of a slave; price of a person (a sportsman etc); worth; value (of stocks, valuables etc)
zào jià construction cost
jìn jià opening price