
price, value


價 jià
  • price
  • value
  • (chemistry) valence
價 jie
  • great
  • good
  • middleman
  • servant


yùn jià fare; transport cost
huán jià to make a counteroffer when haggling; to bargain
pèi jià (linguistics) valence; valency
zhòng jià high price
重新評 chóng xīn píng jià a re-evaluation; to re-assess
jiàn jià to appraise; appraisal; valuation
kāi jià to quote a price; seller's first offer
jiàng jià to cut the price; to drive down the price; to get cheaper
xiàn jià limit on price
階梯計 jiē tī jì jià volumetric pricing; tiered pricing; differential pricing
離岸 lí àn jià free on board (FOB) (transportation)
diàn jià price of electricity
震天響 zhèn tiān ga xiǎng an earth-shaking noise (idiom)
gāo jià high price