
price, value


價 jià
  • price
  • value
  • (chemistry) valence
價 jie
  • great
  • good
  • middleman
  • servant


之寶 wú jià zhī bǎo priceless treasure
珍珠 wú jià zhēn zhū Pearl of Great Price (Mormonism)
pái jià list price
wù jià (commodity) prices; CL:個|个[ge4]
指數 wù jià zhǐ shù price index
物美廉 wù měi jià lián good quality and cheap; a bargain
tè jià special price
菜 tè jià cài restaurant special; daily special
現貨 xiàn huò jià price of actuals
白菜 bái cài jià lit. cabbage price; low price
kǎn jià to bargain; to cut or beat down a price
piào jià ticket price; fare; admission fee
zū jià rent price
穩定物 wěn dìng wù jià stable prices; commodity prices fixed by government (in a command economy); to valorize (a commodity)
jìng jià price competition; bid (in an auction); to compete on price; to bid against sb
děng jià equal; equal in value; equivalent
關係 děng jià guān xì equivalence relation (math.)
suǒ jià to ask a price; to charge; asking price
zǒng jià total price
shēng jià reputation
gǔ jià stock price; share price
lào jià (coll.) to fall or drop in price; to go down in price
藥用值 yào yòng jià zhí medicinal value
yào jià asking price; to ask a price; to demand terms (in negotiations)
規定格 guī dìng jià gé to fix the price