
price, value


價 jià
  • price
  • value
  • (chemistry) valence
價 jie
  • great
  • good
  • middleman
  • servant


bān jià to demand a high price
pī jià wholesale price; to settle an account; to pay a bill
批發 pī fā jià wholesale price
承銷差 chéng xiāo jià chā underwriting spread
按質定 àn zhì dìng jià to fix a price based on quality (idiom)
diào jià drop in price; devalued; to have one's status lowered
兒 diào jià r erhua variant of 掉價|掉价[diao4 jia4]
tí jià to raise the price
收盤 shōu pán jià closing price (of share, commodity etc)
xiào jià potency; titer (measure of effective concentration in virology or chemical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration); valence (perceived value in psychology); valency
能 xiào jià néng potency; titer (measure of effective concentration in virology or chemical pathology, defined in terms of potency after dilution by titration)
shí jià current price
值 yǒu jià zhí valuable
證券 yǒu jià zhèng quàn securities; collateral (for loan)
biāo jià to mark the price; marked price
shā jià to beat down the price; to haggle; to slash one's prices
每日限 měi rì xiàn jià limit on daily price variation
每端口格 měi duān kǒu jià gé price per port
bǐ jià price relations; parity; rate of exchange
yóu jià oil (petroleum) price
消費格指數 xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù consumer price index CPI
jiǎn jià to cut prices; to discount; to mark down; price cutting
漫天要 màn tiān yào jià to ask for sky-high prices
zhǎng jià to appreciate (in value); to increase in price
wú jià invaluable; priceless