
price, value


價 jià
  • price
  • value
  • (chemistry) valence
價 jie
  • great
  • good
  • middleman
  • servant


名義值 míng yì jià zhí nominal value
shòu jià selling price
商品值 shāng pǐn jià zhí commodity value
dān jià unit price
地區差 dì qū chā jià local differences in price; regional price variation
bào jià to quote a price; quoted price; quote
單 bào jià dān quotation; price list; written estimate of price
yā jià to depress prices
tiān jià extremely expensive; sky-high price
guān jià official price
dìng jià to set a price; to fix a price
實用值 shí yòng jià zhí practical value
專家評 zhuān jiā píng jià expert evaluation
duì jià consideration (in exchange for shares); a quid pro quo
居民消費格指數 jū mín xiāo fèi jià gé zhǐ shù consumer price index CPI
chā jià difference in price
shì jià market value
市場 shì chǎng jià market price
píng jià reasonably priced; inexpensive; to keep prices down; (currency exchange) parity
lián jià cheaply-priced; low-cost
建議售 jiàn yì shòu jià recommended retail price (RRP)
而沽 dài jià ér gū to sell only for a good price (idiom); to wait for a good offer
比 xìng jià bǐ cost-performance ratio
成交 chéng jiāo jià sale price; negotiated price; price reached in an auction
fáng jià house price; cost of housing