
price, value


價 jià
  • price
  • value
  • (chemistry) valence
價 jie
  • great
  • good
  • middleman
  • servant


格標籤 jià gé biāo qiān price tag
格表 jià gé biǎo price list
款 jià kuǎn cost
目 jià mù (marked) price; tariff (in a restaurant etc)
碼 jià mǎ price tag
錢 jià qian price
鍵 jià jiàn valence bond (chemistry)
電子 jià diàn zǐ valency electron; outer shell of electrons
公允值 gōng yǔn jià zhí fair value (accounting)
liù jià hexavalent
鍵 gòng jià jiàn covalent bond (chemistry)
chū jià to bid
出廠 chū chǎng jià invoice; factory price
到岸 dào àn jià cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) (transportation)
xuē jià to cut down the price
剩餘值 shèng yú jià zhí surplus value
學會 chuàng jià xué huì Soka Gakkai International
huà jià to price (medical prescription)
jiā jià to increase price
bāo jià package; all-inclusive deal
旅遊 bāo jià lǚ yóu package holiday
化合 huà hé jià valence (chemistry)
huì jià exchange rate
bàn jià half price
危害評 wēi hài píng jià hazard assessment