
summon; propagate, transmit


傳 chuán
  • to pass on
  • to spread
  • to transmit
  • to infect
  • to transfer
  • to circulate
  • to conduct (electricity)
傳 zhuàn
  • biography
  • historical narrative
  • commentaries
  • relay station


家寶 chuán jiā bǎo family heirloom
寄 chuán jì to send (message to sb); to communicate; to forward (message)
寫 chuán xiě to copy; to pass on a copy
導 chuán dǎo to conduct (heat, electricity etc)
布 chuán bù to spread; to hand down; to disseminate
幫帶 chuán bāng dài to pass on experience (to the next generation)
心術 chuán xīn shù telepathy
情 chuán qíng to pass on amorous feelings; to send one's love to sb
感 chuán gǎn sensing (electronics); telepathy
感器 chuán gǎn qì sensor; transducer
戒 chuán jiè (Buddhism) to initiate sb for monkhood or nunhood
承 chuán chéng to pass on (to future generations); passed on (from former times); a continued tradition; an inheritance
抄 chuán chāo to copy (a text) from person to person; (of a text) to be transmitted by copying
授 chuán shòu to impart; to pass on; to teach
揚 chuán yáng to spread (by word of mouth)
播 chuán bō to disseminate; to propagate; to spread
播四方 chuán bō sì fāng to disseminate in every direction (idiom)
教 chuán jiào to preach; missionary; to evangelize
教團 chuán jiào tuán a mission (group of missionaries)
教士 chuán jiào shì missionary
旨 chuán zhǐ issue a decree
書鴿 chuán shū gē carrier pigeon (used for mail)
本 chuán běn edition (of a book) currently in circulation
染 chuán rǎn to infect; contagious
染性 chuán rǎn xìng infectious; epidemic