
summon; propagate, transmit


傳 chuán
  • to pass on
  • to spread
  • to transmit
  • to infect
  • to transfer
  • to circulate
  • to conduct (electricity)
傳 zhuàn
  • biography
  • historical narrative
  • commentaries
  • relay station


動 chuán dòng drive (transmission in an engine)
動器 chuán dòng qì drive (engine)
動帶 chuán dòng dài transmission belt
動機構 chuán dòng jī gòu transmission mechanism
動比 chuán dòng bǐ transmission ratio; gear ratio
動系統 chuán dòng xì tǒng transmission system; power drive
動裝置 chuán dòng zhuāng zhì transmission (i.e. gears)
動軸 chuán dòng zhóu drive shaft
參 chuán cān to pass an argument (computing); abbr. for 傳遞參數|传递参数[chuan2 di4 can1 shu4]
名 chuán míng to spread one's reputation
告 chuán gào to convey (a message); to inform
呼 chuán hū to notify sb of a call; to call sb to the phone
呼機 chuán hū jī pager; beeper
呼電話 chuán hū diàn huà neighborhood telephone, with sb in charge of notifying others when they receive a call
唱 chuán chàng to pass on a song
喚 chuán huàn a summons (to the police); subpoena
單 chuán dān leaflet; flier; pamphlet
單廣 chuán dān guǎng advertising leaflet; circular
回 chuán huí to send back
報 chuán bào notification; memorial
奇 chuán qí legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty
奇人物 chuán qí rén wù legendary person; legend (i.e. person)
媒 chuán méi media
宗接代 chuán zōng jiē dài to carry on one's ancestral line
家 chuán jiā to pass on through the generations