
summon; propagate, transmit


傳 chuán
  • to pass on
  • to spread
  • to transmit
  • to infect
  • to transfer
  • to circulate
  • to conduct (electricity)
傳 zhuàn
  • biography
  • historical narrative
  • commentaries
  • relay station


十,十百 yī chuán shí , shí chuán bǎi news pass quickly from mouth to mouth (idiom); an infectious disease spreads quickly (old meaning)
shàng chuán to upload
上海文廣新聞媒集團 shàng hǎi wén guǎng xīn wén chuán méi jí tuán Shanghai Media Group
不見經 bù jiàn jīng zhuàn not found in the classics (idiom); unknown; unfounded; not authoritative
世代相 shì dài xiāng chuán passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
中共中央宣部 zhōng gòng zhōng yāng xuān chuán bù Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
中國媒大學 zhōng guó chuán méi dà xué Communication University of China (CUC), the highest institute of radio, film and television education in China
中國共產黨中央委員會宣部 zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng zhōng yāng wěi yuán huì xuān chuán bù Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China
中央宣部 zhōng yāng xuān chuán bù Central Propaganda Department (abbr. for 中國共產黨中央委員會宣傳部|中国共产党中央委员会宣传部[Zhong1 guo2 Gong4 chan3 dang3 Zhong1 yang1 Wei3 yuan2 hui4 Xuan1 chuan2 bu4])
中山狼 zhōng shān láng zhuàn The Wolf of Zhongshan, fable by Ma Zhongxi 馬中錫|马中锡[Ma3 Zhong1 xi1]
人 rén chuán rén transmitted person-to-person
代代相 dài dài xiāng chuán passed on from generation to generation (idiom); to hand down
以訛訛 yǐ é chuán é to spread falsehoods; to increasingly distort the truth; to pile errors on top of errors (idiom)
使徒行 shǐ tú xíng zhuàn Acts of the Apostles (New Testament)
三過四 chuán sān guò sì to spread rumors; to gossip
世 chuán shì handed down from ancient times; family heirloom
人 chuán rén to teach; to impart; a disciple; descendant
代 chuán dài to pass to the next generation
令 chuán lìng to transmit an order
令兵 chuán lìng bīng (military) messenger; orderly
來 chuán lái (of a sound) to come through; to be heard; (of news) to arrive
入 chuán rù to import; transmitted inwards; afferent
入神經 chuán rù shén jīng afferent nerve (transmitting in to the brain); afferent neuron
出 chuán chū to transmit outwards; to disseminate; efferent (nerve)
出神經 chuán chū shén jīng efferent nerve (transmitting out from the brain); efferent neuron; motor nerve
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