
summon; propagate, transmit


傳 chuán
  • to pass on
  • to spread
  • to transmit
  • to infect
  • to transfer
  • to circulate
  • to conduct (electricity)
傳 zhuàn
  • biography
  • historical narrative
  • commentaries
  • relay station


染源 chuán rǎn yuán source of an infection
染病 chuán rǎn bìng infectious disease; contagious disease; pestilence
染病學 chuán rǎn bìng xué epidemiology
檄 chuán xí to circulate (a protest or call to arms); to promulgate
法 chuán fǎ to pass on doctrines from master to disciple (Buddhism)
流 chuán liú to spread; to hand down; to circulate
熱 chuán rè heat transfer; heat transmission
熱學 zhuàn rè xué theory of heat; heat transmission (physics)
燈 chuán dēng to pass on the light of Buddha
球 chuán qiú pass (in soccer); to feed (ball)
略 zhuàn lüè biographical sketch
發 chuán fā to order sb to start on a journey
真 chuán zhēn fax; facsimile
真機 chuán zhēn jī fax machine
真發送 chuán zhēn fā sòng fax transmission
真號碼 chuán zhēn hào mǎ fax number
真電報 chuán zhēn diàn bào phototelegram
神 chuán shén vivid; lifelike
票 chuán piào summons; subpoena; voucher
種 chuán zhǒng to reproduce; to propagate
粉 chuán fěn pollination; to pollinate
給 chuán gěi to pass on to; to transfer to; to hand on to; to pass to (in football etc)
統 chuán tǒng tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:個|个[ge4]
統中國醫藥 chuán tǒng zhōng guó yī yào Chinese traditional medicine
統詞類 chuán tǒng cí lèi traditional parts of speech (grammar)