镇沅彝族哈尼族拉祜族自治县 zhèn yuán yí zú hā ní zú lā hù zú zì zhì xiàn


  1. Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu autonomous county in Pu'er 普洱[Pu3 er3], Yunnan


镇 zhèn town, market place; suppress
沅 yuán name of a river in western Hunan that flows into Dongting lake
彝 yí Yi (nationality); tripod, wine vessel; rule
族 zú a family clan, ethnic group, tribe
哈 hā sound of laughter
尼 ní Buddhist nun; transliteration
族 zú a family clan, ethnic group, tribe
拉 lā pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
祜 hù blessing, happiness, prosperity
族 zú a family clan, ethnic group, tribe
自 zì self, private, personal; from
治 zhì govern, regulate, administer
县 xiàn county, district, subdivision