醉翁之意不在酒 zuì wēng zhī yì bù zài jiǔ


  1. wine-lover's heart is not in the cup (idiom); a drinker not really interested in alcohol
  2. having an ulterior motive
  3. to have other things in mind
  4. with an ax to grind
  5. accomplishing something besides what one set out to do


醉 zuì intoxicated, drunk; addicted to
翁 wēng old man; father, father-in-law
之 zhī marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to
意 yì thought, idea, opinion; think
不 bù no, not; un-; negative prefix
在 zài be at, in, on; consist in, rest
酒 jiǔ wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage