通用漢字標準交換碼 tōng yòng hàn zì biāo zhǔn jiāo huàn mǎ


  1. UCS, Chinese character coding adopted in PRC 1986
  2. abbr. to 通用碼|通用码[tong1 yong4 ma3]


通 tōng pass through, common, communicate
用 yòng use, employ, apply, operate; use
漢 hàn the Chinese people, Chinese language
字 zì letter, character, word
標 biāo a mark, symbol, label, sign; standard
準 zhǔn rule, guideline, standard
交 jiāo mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver
換 huàn change, exchange; substitute
碼 mǎ number, numerals; yard; symbol