濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约 bīn wēi yě shēng dòng zhí wù zhǒng guó jì mào yì gōng yuē


  1. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
  2. CITES


濒 bīn approach, be on verge of; near
危 wēi dangerous, precarious; high
野 yě open country, field; wilderness
生 shēng life, living, lifetime; birth
动 dòng move, happen; movement, action
植 zhí plant, trees, plants; grow
物 wù thing, substance, creature
种 zhǒng seed; race, breed; to plant
国 guó nation, country, nation-state
际 jì border, boundary, juncture
贸 mào trade, barter; mixed; rashly
易 yì change; easy
公 gōng fair, equitable; public; duke
约 yuē treaty, agreement, covenant