梅里斯达斡尔族区 méi lǐ sī dá wò ěr zú qū


  1. Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang


梅 méi plums; prunes; surname
里 lǐ unit of distance; village; lane
斯 sī this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
达 dá arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery
斡 wò revolve, rotate, turn
尔 ěr you; that, those; final particle
族 zú a family clan, ethnic group, tribe
区 qū area, district, region, ward