元江哈尼族彞族傣族自治縣 yuán jiāng hā ní zú yí zú dǎi zú zì zhì xiàn


  1. Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai autonomous county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan


元 yuán first; dollar; origin; head
江 jiāng large river; yangzi; surname
哈 hā sound of laughter
尼 ní Buddhist nun; transliteration
族 zú a family clan, ethnic group, tribe
彞 yí yi; tripod
族 zú a family clan, ethnic group, tribe
傣 dǎi the Dai minority living in South China
族 zú a family clan, ethnic group, tribe
自 zì self, private, personal; from
治 zhì govern, regulate, administer
縣 xiàn county, district, subdivision