HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 285th character |
RADICAL | ⼝ (30.4) |
INDEX # | 739 |
hear; understand; obey, comply
听 tīng |
听 tìng |
听 yǐn |

打听 dǎ ting | to ask about; to make some inquiries; to ask around |
倾听 qīng tīng | to listen attentively |
听说 tīng shuō | to hear (sth said); one hears (that); hearsay; listening and speaking |
听到 tīng dào | to hear |
听见 tīng jiàn | to hear |
听话 tīng huà | to do what one is told; obedient |
好听 hǎo tīng | pleasant to hear |
听证会 tīng zhèng huì | (legislative) hearing |
窃听器 qiè tīng qì | tapping device; bug |
听众 tīng zhòng | audience; listeners |
监听 jiān tīng | to monitor; to listen in; to eavesdrop |
听从 tīng cóng | to listen and obey; to comply with; to heed; to hearken |
偷听 tōu tīng | to eavesdrop; to monitor (secretly) |
窃听 qiè tīng | to eavesdrop; to wiretap |
聆听 líng tīng | to listen (respectfully) |
听取 tīng qǔ | to hear (news); to listen to |
动听 dòng tīng | pleasant to listen to |
洗耳恭听 xǐ ěr gōng tīng | to listen with respectful attention; (a polite request to sb to speak); we are all ears |
听力 tīng lì | hearing; listening ability |
收听 shōu tīng | to listen to (a radio broadcast) |
听命 tīng mìng | to obey an order; to take orders; to accept a state of affairs |
听觉 tīng jué | sense of hearing; auditory |
旁听 páng tīng | to visit (a meeting, class, trial etc) |
听信 tīng xìn | to listen to information; to get the news; to believe what one hears |
听候 tīng hòu | to wait for (orders, a decision, a judgment) |