
flour, dough, noodles


  • flour, dough, noodles
  • face
  • side
  • surface
  • aspect
  • top
  • classifier for flat surfaces such as drums, mirrors, flags etc
  • variant of 麵|面[mian4]
  • flour
  • noodles
  • (of food) soft (not crunchy)
  • (slang) (of a person) ineffectual
  • spineless


xǐng miàn to let the dough rest (after mixing it)
陽春 yáng chūn miàn plain noodles in broth
雜和 zá huo miàn corn flour mixed with a little soybean flour
雜和兒 zá huo miàn r erhua variant of 雜和麵|杂和面[za2 huo5 mian4]
xíng miàn to let the dough rest (after mixing it)
高筋粉 gāo jīn miàn fěn bread flour; hard flour
鷹嘴豆粉 yīng zuǐ dòu miàn fěn chickpea flour
麩皮包 fū pí miàn bāo whole-wheat bread
人兒 miàn rén r dough figurine
包 miàn bāo bread; CL:片[pian4],袋[dai4],塊|块[kuai4]
包屑 miàn bāo xiè breadcrumbs
包師傅 miàn bāo shī fù baker
包心 miàn bāo xīn crumb (soft interior of a loaf of bread)
包房 miàn bāo fáng bakery; CL:家[jia1]
包果 miàn bāo guǒ jackfruit; breadfruit; Artocarpus heterophyllus
包樹 miàn bāo shù breadfruit tree; Artocarpus altilis
包渣 miàn bāo zhā breadcrumbs
包片 miàn bāo piàn bread slice; sliced bread
包瓤 miàn bāo ráng crumb (soft interior of a loaf of bread)
包皮 miàn bāo pí crust
包糠 miàn bāo kāng breadcrumbs
包蟲 miàn bāo chóng mealworm (Tenebrio molitor)
包車 miàn bāo chē van for carrying people; taxi minibus
團 miàn tuán dough
塑 miàn sù (figurines) made of dough; dough modeling