beautiful, magnificent, elegant


麗 lì
  • beautiful
麗 lí
  • Korea


guī lì elegant; magnificent; exceptionally beautiful
xuàn lì charming; enchanting; captivating
shuò lì large and beautiful
xiù lì pretty; beautiful
shā lì sari (loanword)
xuàn lì gorgeous; magnificent
多彩 xuàn lì duō cǎi bright and colorful; gorgeous
qǐ lì beautiful; enchanting
羅密歐與朱葉 luó mì ōu yǔ zhū lì yè Romeo and Juliet, 1594 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚
měi lì beautiful
島 měi lì dǎo Formosa (from Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Isle", the name given to Taiwan Island by passing Portuguese mariners in 1544)
新世界 měi lì xīn shì jiè Brave New World, novel by Aldous Huxley 阿道司·赫胥黎[A1 dao4 si1 · He4 xu1 li2]
yàn lì gorgeous; garish and beautiful
葉 zhū lì yè Juliet or Juliette (name)
shā lì sari (loanword)
huá lì gorgeous
萬福瑪亞 wàn fú mǎ lì yà Hail Mary; Ave Maria (religion)
蒙娜莎 méng nà lì shā Mona Lisa
蔣雯 jiǎng wén lì Jiang Wenli (1969-), award-winning PRC film actress
蘇格蘭女王瑪 sū gé lán nǚ wáng mǎ lì Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-87)
血腥瑪 xuè xīng mǎ lì Bloody Mary
貝婭特克絲 bèi yà tè lì kè sī Beatrix (name)
君 dèng lì jūn Teresa Teng (1953-1995), Taiwanese pop idol
亞娜 ā lì yà nà Ariane (name); Ariane European space launch vehicle
yǎ lì elegant; refined beauty