
falcon; Accipiter species (various)



  • falcon
  • Accipiter species (various)
  • eagle
  • falcon
  • hawk


鹰 stroke order diagram
鹰 stroke order animation


潭 yīng tán Yingtan prefecture level city in Jiangxi
潭市 yīng tán shì Yingtan prefecture level city in Jiangxi
爪翻子拳 yīng zhuǎ fān zi quán Ying Zhua Fan Zi Quan - "Eagle Claw" - Martial Art
状星云 yīng zhuàng xīng yún Eagle or Star Queen Nebula M16
钩鼻 yīng gōu bí aquiline nose; Roman nose
雕 yīng diāo variant of 鷹鵰|鹰雕[ying1 diao1]; (bird species of China) mountain hawk-eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis); aka Hodgson's hawk-eagle
头狮 yīng tóu shī griffin
鸮 yīng xiāo (bird species of China) brown hawk-owl (Ninox scutulata)
鹃 yīng juān (bird species of China) large hawk-cuckoo (Hierococcyx sparverioides)