



  • goose
  • variant of 鵝|鹅[e2]
  • goose
  • CL:隻|只[zhi1]


鹅 stroke order diagram
鹅 stroke order animation


qǐ é penguin
tiān é swan
绒 tiān é róng velvet; swan's down
卵石 é luǎn shí pebble; cobblestone
湖 tiān é hú Swan Lake
毛 é máo goose feather
绒 é róng goose down
大天 dà tiān é (bird species of China) whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus)
小天 xiǎo tiān é Little Swan (PRC appliance brand); (bird species of China) tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus)
毛大雪 é máo dà xuě goose feather snow (idiom); big heavy snow fall
千里寄毛 qiān lǐ jì é máo goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it; also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛
千里送毛 qiān lǐ sòng é máo goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it
千里送毛,礼轻人意重 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
千里送毛,礼轻情意重 qiān lǐ sòng é máo , lǐ qīng qíng yì zhòng goose feather sent from afar, a trifling present with a weighty thought behind it (idiom); It's not the gift that counts, but the thought behind it.
千里毛 qiān lǐ é máo goose feather sent from afar (idiom); a trifling gift with a weighty thought behind it; also written 千里送鵝毛|千里送鹅毛[qian1 li3 song4 e2 mao2]
táng é pelican (Morus bassanus); gannet; booby
座 tiān é zuò Cygnus (constellation)
xiǎo é gosling
帝王企 dì wáng qǐ é emperor penguin
杀鸡宰 shā jī zǎi é kill the chickens and butcher the geese (idiom)
rán é (Internet slang for 然而[ran2 er2]) however
疣鼻天 yóu bí tiān é (bird species of China) mute swan (Cygnus olor)
癞蛤蟆想吃天肉 lài há ma xiǎng chī tiān é ròu lit. the toad wants to eat swan meat (idiom); fig. to try to punch above one's weight
礼轻人意重,千里送毛 lǐ qīng rén yì zhòng , qiān lǐ sòng é máo goose feather sent from afar, a slight present but weighty meaning (idiom); It's not the present the counts, it's the thought behind it.
野天 yě tiān é Wild Swans, family autobiography by British-Chinese writer Jung Chang 張戎|张戎[Zhang1 Rong2]; alternative title 鴻|鸿, after the author's original name 張二鴻|张二鸿[Zhang1 Er4 hong2]
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