xiān xian

fresh; delicious; attractive

HSK 3 #958


鲜 xiān
  • fresh
  • bright (in color)
  • delicious
  • tasty
  • delicacy
  • aquatic foods
  • fish
  • old variant of 鮮|鲜[xian1]
鲜 xiǎn
  • variant of 鮮|鲜[xian3]
  • variant of 尟|鲜[xian3]
  • few
  • rare
  • old variant of 鮮|鲜[xian3]


鲜 stroke order diagram
鲜 stroke order animation


北朝 běi cháo xiǎn North Korea
南朝 nán cháo xiǎn South Korea
地三 dì sān xiān dish consisting of stir-fried potato, eggplant and green pepper
肉 xiǎo xiān ròu (coll.) teen idol (male)
延边朝族自治州 yán biān cháo xiǎn zú zì zhì zhōu Yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture in Jilin province 吉林省[Ji2 lin2 Sheng3] in northeast China, capital Yanji city 延吉市[Yan2 ji2 Shi4]
德薄能 dé bó néng xiǎn little virtue and meager abilities (idiom); I'm a humble person and not much use at anything (Song writer Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修)
数见不 shuò jiàn bù xiān a common occurrence (idiom)
中央通讯社 cháo xiǎn zhōng yāng tōng xùn shè North Korean Central News Agency (KCNA); abbr. to 朝中社[Chao2 zhong1 she4]
八道 cháo xiǎn bā dào the eight provinces of Yi dynasty Korea
劳动党 cháo xiǎn láo dòng dǎng Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the ruling party of North Korea
半岛 cháo xiǎn bàn dǎo Korean Peninsula
太宗 cháo xiǎn tài zōng King Taejong of Joseon Korea (1367-1422), reigned 1400-1418
字母 cháo xiǎn zì mǔ hangul, Korean phonetic alphabet; Korean letters
文 cháo xiǎn wén Korean written language
族 cháo xiǎn zú Korean ethnic group in China (mainly in northeast China); the Koreans (major ethnic group on the Korean Peninsula)
日报 cháo xiǎn rì bào Chosun Ilbo, a South Korean newspaper
核谈 cháo xiǎn hé tán talks on North Korea's nuclear program
民主主义人民共和国 cháo xiǎn mín zhǔ zhǔ yì rén mín gòng hé guó People's Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea)
海峡 cháo xiǎn hǎi xiá Korea Strait; Tsushima Strait (between Japan and Korea)
筝 cháo xiǎn zhēng gayageum; Korean 12-stringed zither
总督府 cháo xiǎn zǒng dū fǔ Japanese colonial administration of Korea 1910-1945
语 cháo xiǎn yǔ Korean language
李氏朝 lǐ shì cháo xiǎn Joseon, last Korean dynasty (1392-1910)
毛泽东・为人知的故事 máo zé dōng ・ xiān wéi rén zhī de gù shi Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang 張戎|张戎 and Jon Halliday
治大国若烹小 zhì dà guó ruò pēng xiǎo xiān ruling a large nation is like cooking a small delicacy (idiom); effective government requires minimal intervention