HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 958th character |
RADICAL | ⿂ (195.6) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3135 |
fresh; delicious; attractive
鲜 xiān |
鲜 xiǎn |

新鲜 xīn xiān | fresh (experience, food etc); freshness; novel; uncommon |
海鲜 hǎi xiān | seafood |
鲜艳 xiān yàn | bright-colored; gaily-colored |
鲜明 xiān míng | bright; clear-cut; distinct |
朝鲜 cháo xiǎn | North Korea; Korea as geographic term; Taiwan pr. [Chao2 xian1] |
鲜血 xiān xuè | blood |
鲜花 xiān huā | flower; fresh flowers; CL:朵[duo3] |
鲜活 xiān huó | vivid; lively; (of food ingredients) live or fresh |
鲜奶 xiān nǎi | fresh milk |
鲜美 xiān měi | delicious; tasty |
朝鲜人 cháo xiǎn rén | North Korean (person) |
鲜为人知 xiǎn wéi rén zhī | rarely known to anyone (idiom); almost unknown; secret to all but a few |
鲜红 xiān hóng | scarlet; bright red |
光鲜 guāng xiān | bright and neat |
屡见不鲜 lǚ jiàn bù xiān | a common occurrence (idiom) |
鲜亮 xiān liang | bright (color); vivid |
旗帜鲜明 qí zhì xiān míng | to show one's colors; to have a clear-cut stand (idiom) |
朝鲜战争 cháo xiǎn zhàn zhēng | Korean War (1950-1953) |
生鲜 shēng xiān | fresh produce and freshly prepared foods |
鲜味 xiān wèi | umami, one of the five basic tastes (cookery) |
三鲜 sān xiān | three fresh ingredients (in cooking) |
不新鲜 bù xīn xiān | stale |
保鲜期 bǎo xiān qī | shelf life; freshness date |
保鲜纸 bǎo xiān zhǐ | plastic wrap; cling wrap; cling film |
保鲜膜 bǎo xiān mó | plastic wrap; preservative film; cling film |