body; group, class, body, unit


體 tǐ
  • body
  • form
  • style
  • system
  • substance
  • to experience
  • aspect (linguistics)


物質 gù tǐ wù zhì solid substance
國家委 guó jiā tǐ wěi PRC sports and physical culture commission
國際媒 guó jì méi tǐ the international media
國際操聯合會 guó jì tǐ cāo lián hé huì Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique
guó tǐ state system; national prestige
圓柱 yuán zhù tǐ cylinder (geometry)
圓錐 yuán zhuī tǐ cone
tuán tǐ group; organization; team; CL:個|个[ge4]
冠軍 tuán tǐ guàn jūn group championship
行 tuán tǐ xíng group travel
chuí tǐ pituitary gland
基因染色異常 jī yīn rǎn sè tǐ yì cháng genetic chromosome abnormality
基督聖節 jī dū shèng tǐ jié Corpus Christi (Catholic festival on second Thursday after Whit Sunday)
jī tǐ base body; matrix; substrate
kuài tǐ a block; body of person or animal as a block
壓電 yā diàn tǐ piezo-electric
外國媒 wài guó méi tǐ foreign news media
多倍 duō bèi tǐ polyploid (multiple chromosomes)
多媒 duō méi tǐ multimedia
多腺染色 duō xiàn rǎn sè tǐ polytene chromosome
多角 duō jiǎo tǐ polyhedron; polytope
多面 duō miàn tǐ polyhedron; polytope
dà tǐ in general; more or less; in rough terms; basically; on the whole; overall situation; the big picture; (Tw) remains (of a dead person)
上 dà tǐ shàng overall; in general terms
tiān tǐ celestial body; nude body