body; group, class, body, unit


體 tǐ
  • body
  • form
  • style
  • system
  • substance
  • to experience
  • aspect (linguistics)


shòu tǐ receptor (biochemistry); acceptor (semiconductors)
拮抗劑 shòu tǐ jié kàng jì receptor antagonist
詩 gǔ tǐ shī a pre-Tang Dynasty genre of poetry, relatively free in form, usually having four, five, six or seven characters per line
可磁化 kě cí huà tǐ magnetic medium; material capable of being magnetized
kě tǐ well-fitting (of clothes)
hé tǐ to combine; combination; composite character (i.e. a synonym of 合體字|合体字[he2 ti3 zi4]); (of clothes) to be a good fit
字 hé tǐ zì a Chinese character formed by combining existing elements - i.e. a combined ideogram 會意|会意 or radical plus phonetic 形聲|形声
同儕團 tóng chái tuán tǐ peer group
同分異構 tóng fēn yì gòu tǐ isomer (chemistry)
同素異形 tóng sù yì xíng tǐ allotropy
君主政 jūn zhǔ zhèng tǐ monarchy; autocracy
單一合字 dān yī hé tǐ zì unique compound
單倍 dān bèi tǐ haploid (single chromosome)
單克隆抗 dān kè lóng kàng tǐ monoclonal antibody
單源多倍 dān yuán duō bèi tǐ autopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes of single species)
dān tǐ monomer
噬菌 shì jūn tǐ bacteriophage; phage; virus that infects bacteria
四角柱 sì jiǎo zhù tǐ cuboid; rectangular prism (math.)
四面 sì miàn tǐ tetrahedron
sì tǐ one's four limbs; two arms and two legs
不勤,五穀不分 sì tǐ bù qín , wǔ gǔ bù fēn never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five crops (idiom); living as a parasite
gù tǐ solid
gù tǐ róng tǐ solid solution
熱容激光器 gù tǐ rè róng jī guāng qì solid state hot condensed laser (SSHCL)
物理 gù tǐ wù lǐ solid state physics