
a white horse with black mane; a camel



  • a white horse with black mane
  • a camel
  • surname Luo
  • camel
  • white horse with a black mane (archaic)


骆 stroke order diagram
骆 stroke order animation


驼 luò tuo camel; (coll.) blockhead; ninny; CL:峰[feng1]
驰 kǎ luò chí Crocs, Inc.
驼 shài luò tuo xylitol (Cantonese); see also 木糖醇[mu4 tang2 chun2]
王杨卢 wáng yáng lú luò abbr. for Wang Bo 王勃[Wang2 Bo2], Yang Jiong 楊炯|杨炯[Yang2 Jiong3], Lu Zhaolin 盧照鄰|卢照邻[Lu2 Zhao4 lin2], and Luo Binwang 駱賓王|骆宾王[Luo4 Bin1 wang2], the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang
瘦死的驼比马大 shòu sǐ de luò tuo bǐ mǎ dà lit. even a scrawny camel is bigger than a horse (idiom); fig. even after suffering a loss, a rich person is still better off than ordinary people; a cultured person may come down in the world, but he is still superior to the common people
宾王 luò bīn wáng Luo Binwang (640-684), one of Four Great Poets of the Early Tang 初唐四傑|初唐四杰[Chu1 Tang2 Si4 jie2]
马 luò mǎ llama
驼祥子 luò tuo xiáng zi Camel Xiangzi, novel by Lao She 老舍
驼队 luò tuó duì caravan of camels
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