donkey, ass


  • donkey, ass
  • variant of 驢|驴[lu:2]
  • donkey
  • CL:頭|头[tou2]


博士買 bó shì mǎi lǘ lit. the scholar buys a donkey (idiom); fig. long-winded verbiage that never gets to the point; idiom mocking scholastic pomposity
卸磨殺 xiè mò shā lǘ lit. to kill the donkey when the grinding is done (idiom); to get rid of sb once he has ceased to be useful
jiào lǘ (coll.) male donkey
好心倒做了肝肺 hǎo xīn dào zuò le lǘ gān fēi lit. to mistake good intentions for a donkey's liver and lungs (idiom); fig. to mistake good intentions for ill intent
上磨屎尿多 lǎn lǘ shàng mò shǐ niào duō (proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working; lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing
máo lǘ donkey; CL:頭|头[tou2]
禿 tū lǘ Buddhist monk (mocking); lit. bald donkey
chǔn lǘ silly ass
yě lǘ onager (Equus onager)
非馬 fēi lǘ fēi mǎ neither fish nor fowl; resembling nothing on earth
qí lǘ zhǎo lǘ lit. to search for the mule while riding on it (idiom); fig. to look for what one already has
qí lǘ mì lǘ see 騎驢找驢|骑驴找驴[qi2 lu:2 zhao3 lu:2]
sāo lǘ jackass
友 lǘ yǒu backpacker; travel buddy
唇不對馬嘴 lǘ chún bù duì mǎ zuǐ lit. a donkey's lips do not match a horse's mouth (idiom); fig. beside the point; incongruous
子 lǘ zi ass; donkey
年馬月 lǘ nián mǎ yuè see 猴年馬月|猴年马月[hou2 nian2 ma3 yue4]
脣馬觜 lǘ chún mǎ zī lit.camel's lip, horse's mouth (idiom); fig. to chatter; nonsense; blather
駒子 lǘ jū zi donkey foal
騾 lǘ luó hinny
技窮 qián lǘ jì qióng to exhaust one's limited abilities (idiom)
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