tuo tuó

a camel; humpbacked; to carry on the back


駝 tuó
  • hump or hunchbacked
  • camel
  • variant of 駝|驼[tuo2]


單峰 dān fēng tuó dromedary
彎腰背 wān yāo tuó bèi slouch; stoop; poor posture
wēi tuó stooping; hunched
曬駱 shài luò tuo xylitol (Cantonese); see also 木糖醇[mu4 tang2 chun2]
tuó tuó camel; hunchback
瘦死的駱比馬大 shòu sǐ de luò tuo bǐ mǎ dà lit. even a scrawny camel is bigger than a horse (idiom); fig. even after suffering a loss, a rich person is still better off than ordinary people; a cultured person may come down in the world, but he is still superior to the common people
yáng tuó alpaca
機 guō tuó jī portable steam engine; locomobile
xùn tuó trained pack camel
子 tuó zi hunchback
背 tuó bèi hunchbacked; stooping; hunchback
背鯨 tuó bèi jīng humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)
色 tuó sè light tan (color); camel-hair color
雞 tuó jī ostrich (Struthio camelus); also written 鴕鳥 鸵鸟; fabulous bird like Sinbad's roc
鹿 tuó lù elk; moose
luò tuo camel; (coll.) blockhead; ninny; CL:峰[feng1]
祥子 luò tuo xiáng zi Camel Xiangzi, novel by Lao She 老舍
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