horse; surname; KangXi radical 187


馬 mǎ
  • surname Ma
  • abbr. for Malaysia 馬來西亞|马来西亚[Ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4]
  • horse
  • CL:匹[pi3]
  • horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess
  • knight in Western chess


鞍 mǎ ān saddle
鞍山 mǎ ān shān Ma'anshan prefecture-level city in Anhui
鞍山市 mǎ ān shān shì Ma'anshan prefecture-level city in Anhui
鞭 mǎ biān horsewhip
頭 mǎ tóu horse's head; same as 碼頭|码头[ma3 tou2], pier
頭星雲 mǎ tóu xīng yún the Horse's Head nebula
頭琴 mǎ tóu qín morin khuur (Mongolian bowed stringed instrument)
首是瞻 mǎ shǒu shì zhān to follow blindly (idiom); to take as one's only guide
虎虎 mǎ ma hū hū careless; casual; vague; not so bad; so-so; tolerable; fair
駒 mǎ jū young horse (colt or filly)
駒子 mǎ jū zi see 馬駒|马驹[ma3 ju1]
騮 mǎ liú monkey (dialect); little monkey (affectionate term for children, subordinates)
騾 mǎ luó mule
鮫魚 mǎ jiāo yú Japanese Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius)
鱉 mǎ biē leech
鹿 mǎ lù red deer; fool; idiot (from Japanese "baka")
鹿易形 mǎ lù yì xíng to distinguish horse and deer easily; to know right from wrong
麻 mǎ má mommy
齒徒增 mǎ chǐ tú zēng (self-deprecating) to have grown old without accomplishing anything (idiom)
齒莧 mǎ chǐ xiàn Portulaca oleracea (common purslane)
龍 mǎ lóng Malong county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan
龍縣 mǎ lóng xiàn Malong county in Qujing 曲靖[Qu3 jing4], Yunnan
tuó mǎ pack horse
xùn mǎ to break in a horse; a trained saddle horse
人 xùn mǎ rén horse trainer