HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1998th character |
RADICAL | ⾷ (184.5) |
INDEX # | 1202 |
eat heartily; eat one's fill
- eat heartily
- eat one's fill
- to eat till full
- satisfied

饱和 bǎo hé | saturation |
饱经沧桑 bǎo jīng cāng sāng | having lived through many changes |
饱受 bǎo shòu | to endure; to suffer; to be subjected to |
饱满 bǎo mǎn | full; plump |
饱餐 bǎo cān | to eat and eat; to stuff oneself |
温饱 wēn bǎo | to have enough food and warm clothes; adequately provided |
饱含 bǎo hán | to be full of (emotion); to brim with (love, tears etc) |
中饱私囊 zhōng bǎo sī náng | to stuff one's pockets; to take bribes |
大饱眼福 dà bǎo yǎn fú | to feast one's eyes |
一饱眼福 yī bǎo yǎn fú | to feast one's eyes on (idiom) |
饱尝 bǎo cháng | to enjoy fully; to experience to the full over a long period |
饱眼福 bǎo yǎn fú | to feast one's eyes on (idiom) |
饱览 bǎo lǎn | to look intensively; to feast one's eyes on |
饱经风霜 bǎo jīng fēng shuāng | weather-beaten; having experienced the hardships of life |
酒足饭饱 jiǔ zú fàn bǎo | to have eaten and drunk to one's heart's content |
不饱和 bù bǎo hé | unsaturated |
不饱和脂肪酸 bù bǎo hé zhī fáng suān | unsaturated fatty acid |
中饱 zhōng bǎo | to embezzle; to misappropriate; to line one's pockets with public funds |
吃到饱 chī dào bǎo | all-you-can-eat (buffet) (Tw) |
吃饱 chī bǎo | to eat one's fill |
吃饱了饭撑的 chī bǎo le fàn chēng de | having nothing better to do; see 吃飽撐著|吃饱撑着 |
吃饱撑着 chī bǎo chēng zhe | having nothing better to do |
填饱 tián bǎo | to feed to the full; to cram |
多元不饱和脂肪酸 duō yuán bù bǎo hé zhī fáng suān | polyunsaturated fatty acid |
大饱口福 dà bǎo kǒu fú | to eat one's fill; to have a good meal |