
decorate, ornament, adorn

HSK 5 #1604


  • decorate, ornament, adorn
  • decoration
  • ornament
  • to decorate
  • to adorn
  • to hide
  • to conceal (a fault)
  • excuse (to hide a fault)
  • to play a role (in opera)
  • to impersonate


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nèi shì interior decor
前置修语 qián zhì xiū shì yǔ premodifier (grammar)
tú shì to apply paint, veneer etc; to plaster over; decorative coating; finish; veneer
剂 tú shì jì coating agent; finishing agent
zhuì shì pendant (jewelry)
zhuāng shì to dress up
后置修语 hòu zhì xiū shì yǔ postmodifier (grammar)
文过非 wén guò shì fēi to cover up one's faults (idiom); to whitewash
wén shì to polish a text; rhetoric; ornate language; to use florid language to conceal errors; to gloss over
百合花 bǎi hé huā shì fleur-de-lis (armorial symbol)
fú shì to refresh; to renew
suì shì tassel
chuāng shì window decoration
太平 fěn shì tài píng to pretend that everything is going well
zhuì shì to decorate; decoration
yuán shì fringe
带花 lán shì dài huā blue lace flower (Trachymene caerulea)
物 zhuāng shì wù ornament; ornamentation
道具 zhuāng shì dào jù (theater) set dressing; trim prop
jīn shì gold ornaments
yǐn shì a cover-up
巾 shì jīn kerchief as head ornament
带 shì dài sash; streamer
胸鹬 shì xiōng yù (bird species of China) buff-breasted sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis)
边 shì biān ornamental border